Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The foundation of every state is the education of its youth Essay

The foundation of every state is the education of its youth - Essay Example the individual with a vision to excel with the ultimate goal of being instrumental in the future progress of one’s nation, education is the best alternative. The foundation of every state is the education of its youth. Traditionally, Americans have viewed education as a means of social advancement. By providing equal educational opportunity to all, schooling could serve as a progressive force for eliminating poverty and promoting economic equality. The study conducted by Alliance (2007) point out that dropouts are a drain on the economies of each state and the nation. Lower local, state, and national tax revenues are perhaps the most obvious consequence of higher dropout rates; even when dropouts are employed, they earn significantly lower wages than graduates. State and local economies suffer further when they have less-educated populaces, as they find it more difficult to attract new business investment. Simultaneously, these entities must spend more on social programs when their populations have lower educational levels. Dropouts represent a tremendous waste of human potential and productivity, and reduce the nation’s ability t o compete in an increasingly global economy. For the individual with a vision to excel with the ultimate goal of being instrumental in the future progress of one’s nation, education is the best alternative. For the society, higher educations provides lower rate of unemployment, more tax revenues, lesser reliance on governmental support. In addition, those who acquired college education were found to smoke less, are more health conscious, and are less likely to commit crimes. Education, per se, provides innumerable benefits for the individuals as well as for the society. There is a responsibility to ensure that every student who is granted the right to be educated would not only value and cherish the lessons learned; but more so, to share what they have learned in terms of making each and everyone aware of the importance that

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nutritional Supplements As Effective As Full Ward Diet Nursing Essay

Nutritional Supplements As Effective As Full Ward Diet Nursing Essay Pressure ulceration has become a common health issue in hospitalized patients and elderly patients living in a long-term care facility. It can be contributed by various factors such as aging, poor nutrition, immobility, and cognitive impairment. A literature review was conducted based on five published research articles. The aim was to investigate the therapeutic relationship between nutritional support and pressure sores healing. The result indicated significant improvement in pressure ulcer healing. Background Aim of the paper The aim of this study is to critically review current literature in order to evaluate the effectiveness of oral nutritional supplement (ONS) in addition to regular food intake in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. Purpose of the paper The purpose of the study is to evaluate whether nutritional supplement helps cure pressure sores or not. Scope of the paper The study is based on research of a variety of existing research articles, journals, surveys, and clinical trials related to pressure ulcer throughout the global. It mainly focuses on individuals aged 65 and over from different continents. Literature Search Strategy The literature review was designed to assess published studies only. The initial search terms included pressure ulcer, nutrition, elderly, protein, arginine, zinc, vitamin C. The time period of the search covered articles published from 2000 to 2011 in English. The major databases used are CINAHL, Pubmed, and Cochrane Collaboration. An assignment marking guide was used to evaluate methodological quality of selected studies and gather useful information at the same time. Research design, description of intervention, outcome measures, results and author conclusions were included in the marking guide. 2.0 Evaluation of the Literature 2.1 Introduction Pressure ulcers, also referred to as pressure sores, decubitus ulcers or bedsores, are defined as an area of localised damage to the skin and underlying tissue caused by pressure, shear force, friction, moisture, and/or a combination of these factors. (Crowe and Brockbank 2009) It commonly occurs in hospitalized patients and elderly adults living in aged care facilities due to impaired mobility, paralysis and malnutrition. This study only focused on the relationship between malnutrition and pressure ulceration. For elderly people specifically, factors contributing to malnutrition include poor appetite, impaired cognition, depression, dependence on assistance with eating, and medications that cause gastrointestinal upset. (Heyman et al. 2008) Therefore, strategies and nursing interventions for adequate nutritional intake have become essential proportion of care for the elderly not only for pressure ulcer management, but also for their overall well-being. Supplying adequate nutritional supplements have been acknowledged to be beneficial in addition to repositioning and wound dressing since they can provide extra nutrients to strengthen tissue resistance and promote tissue repair. (Posthauer 2006) This review evaluated the clinical evidence supporting the use of ONS is beneficial for the elderly with existing pressure sores as part of their management. Five related article consisted of both clinical trials and literature reviews were selected presenting various perspectives. One of these studies provided Level I evidence while other four provided evidence between Level II and level IV. 2.2 Critical Review Level 1 evidence was provided by a systematic review by Holm, Mesch, and Ove (2007) This study conducted 16 peerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœreviewed articles published between 1995 and 2005, with a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis of information. General speaking, the reviewer pointed out that pressure ulcer healing for patients aged 65 and over is strongly associated with individuals nutritional status as well as strategies and nursing interventions implemented by healthcare workers when handling pressure ulcers. First of all, it revealed the significance of nutrition for elderly patients with pressure sores in promoting wound healing and preventing deterioration. Meanwhile, it indicated that the use of pressure relieving mattresses and repositioning were the most commonly used measures for pressure area care. It also reported potential factors such as weight loss, dysphagia, catheters and connection to different kinds of monitoring equipment, which might result in prolong ed ulceration. Moreover, the financial impact on the patient and family related to costly treatment was also discussed in this review. When selecting the articles, the reviewer excluded studies that did not comply with the aim of the review or studies contained subjective opinions. It is reasonable to consider this study to be comprehensive and convincing since it provided logical arguments supported with figures and data collected from those 16 published research articles. The limitation of this study was that the articles selected were published from 1995 to 2005, so that the information gathered might not be up-to-date. Although the study demonstrated the connection between nutrition and pressure ulcer healing, it did not involve the role of protein, arginine, vitamin C and zinc in specific. The results of this study were consistent with the setting of this academic paper because they both focused on patients aged 65 and over. In addition, this article is relevant to the PICO que stion since it talked about the importance of nutrition among elderly patients and its relationship with pressure sores management. The goal of the research paper by Heyman et al. (2008), which provides level III evidence, was to examine the effects of oral nutritional supplements enriched with protein, arginine, vitamin C and zinc in dietary management of pressure ulcers and chronic wounds. This open multicentre trial was conducted among 61 institutional care facilities in Belgium and Luxembourg for a nine-week period and 245 participants, with a mean age of 80, were selected randomly with no exclusion criteria. Each patient received three servings of ONS per day accompanied with standard pressure area care. The result was a 60% reduction in pressure ulcer area after nine weeks. The primary limitation of this study was that it neither attempted to blind nor carry out randomized controlled trials. Hence, factors affecting pressure ulcer healing other than malnutrition had not been eliminated which reduced the reliability of the result. Another limitation was that the exudate levels were not measured objectively, and ruler was used to measure the size of the wound instead of planimetry. All these factors might lead to inaccurate outcomes. Nevertheless, the result of this study was supported by three other studies. These studies indicated that ONS enriched with arginine, zinc and antioxidant vitamins helps accelerate pressure ulcer healing rates. (Benati et al. 2001; Desneves et al. 2005; Soriano et al. 2004) The study by Cereda et al. (2009) aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a disease-specific nutritional treatment enriched in protein, arginine, zinc, and vitamin C compared to full ward diet for enhancing the rate of pressure ulcer healing. It was a twelve-week randomized controlled trial which provided level I evidence. It involved 28 elderly subjects with Stage II, III, and IV pressure ulcers of recent onset from four residential care facilities in Italy. Participants were divided into two groups and both groups received exactly same amount of daily nutritional support. However, one of the groups was provided with standard full ward diet while the other group was administered a 400-mL oral supplement or specific enteral formula enriched with protein, arginine, zinc, and vitamin C in addition to the standard diet. The result reflected that there was a 72% decrease in pressure ulcer area after 12 weeks of receiving ONS. This study concluded that disease-specific nutritional support is feasible and beneficial in promoting the healing of pressure ulcers. Furthermore, a secondary research article written by Crowe and Brockbank (2009) investigated the role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. The function and mechanisms of protein, arginine, and micronutrients in wound healing process had been discussed respectively in this study. It also cited a variety of existing studies to support its arguments. The study concluded that high-protein oral nutritional supplements played an essential role in minimizing the incidence of pressure ulcers in susceptible elderly patients. The role of arginine, vitamin C and zinc in pressure ulcer healing, on the other hand, was not very clear stated by Crowe and Brockbank due to limitation in sample size and heterogenous study design of current studies. Although some studies reported that arginine, Vitamin C and zinc can promote muscle and collagen synthesis which increase the strength of the wound and help the body maintain a healthy immune system (Fleishman 2005), confirmatory studies are needed to support current clinical evidence. The major down side of this study was absence of critical analysis of information gathered from clinical trials used. Nevertheless, nutritional support was considered to be beneficial and effective in enhancing pressure ulcer healing after all. In addition, the conclusion that nutritional supplement rich in protein speeded up pressure ulcer healing rate was consistent with another study by Breslow et al. (1993) Breslow et al. (1993), another level III evidence, investigated 28 malnourished elderly patients living in residential care facility with existing pressure sores for eight weeks. It aimed to evaluate the impact of dietary protein on healing of pressure ulcers in malnourished patients. The result indicated that participants who received supplemental nutritional formulas containing 24% protein displayed a faster rate of wound healing in contrast to those received formulas containing 14% protein. Therefore, it was reasonable to believe that supplemental protein aided in pressure ulcer healing process. However, because of the time of this study being conducted, the novelty and reliability of the information provided might be doubted. Based on the findings of this review, additional nutritional supplement enriched with protein, arginine, vitamin C and zinc had been proved to be effective in promoting pressure ulcer healing. The implementation of specialised nutritional support was recommended for elderly patients suffering from chronic pressure ulcers. Moreover, patients having difficulty swallowing, cognitive impairment are at risk of malnourishment so nutritional supplement should be considered despite of no existing pressure ulcer. (Cereda et al.2009) Besides, although nutritional supplementation aided the wound to heal, it was not an entire part of pressure ulcer management. In order to prevent and treat pressure sores quickly and effectively, it is essential to combine nutritional support with wound management, use of pressure-relieving devices as well as repositioning techniques. (Heyman et al. 2008) 3.0 Evaluation of the Main Research Article 3.1 The study overview The study, Benefi ts of an oral nutritional supplement on pressure ulcer healing in long-term care residents, by Heyman et al. (2008) aimed to investigate the effects of combine oral nutritional supplement high in protein, arginine, vitamin C and zinc with standard care on the healing of pressure ulcers in nursing home residents compare to standard care solely. This nine-week trial was conducted in Luxembourg and Belgium and 245 patients with grade II-IV pressure ulcers were involved. During the study, participants were provided with the ONS daily for nine weeks, in addition to their normal diet or enteral feed. Standard pressure care was provided to each patient. Pressure ulcer area (mm2) and condition were assessed after three and nine weeks. (Heyman et al. 2008) Patients received 200ml ONS per daily which contained 46g protein,6.9g arginine, 575mg vitamin C, 87mg vitamin E and 21mg zinc. The result indicated that there was a remarkable decrease in pressure ulcer area, with 53%, at the end of the trial. Complete wound closure occurred after three and nine weeks in 7% and 20% of the pressure ulcers respectively. 3.2 Type of article and level of evidence This article is a quantitative primary research article because all the data was collected by the authors themselves by performing a clinical trial. It is a case control study rather than a randomized controlled trial since it involved large number of subjects so that the randomness and suitability of participants selected diminished. Nevertheless, the study demonstrated comparison by monitoring changes of conditions and improvements of the wound. The pressure ulcer area was measured three times throughout the trial: at the beginning, after three weeks, and at the end. Therefore, this study provided level III evidence. (The Royal Melbourne Hospital 2009) 3.3 The study design This was an open multicenter case-control study, in which 245 patients with different grades of pressure ulcers participated. Three servings of oral nutritional supplements were provided for every patient and wound healing process was monitored and assessed by measuring pressure ulcer area using rulers. Patient medical history and characteristics of existing wounds were gathered to be baseline information at the beginning of the trial. All measurements were performed by a single practitioner at each center in order to minimize subjectivity of data collected. (Heyman et al. 2008) 3.4 Statistical analysis Data are expressed as mean  ± standard deviation. Data were statistically analysed using ANOVA. Pressure ulcer data were log-transformed using a mixed-effects model to compare changes in pressure ulcer area over time. SGS Life Science Services Clinical Research (Bierges-Wavre, Belgium) performed the data entry, verification and statistical analysis. (Heyman et al. 2008) 3.5 Outcomes/Results for Nurse and Patient During the study period, the average intake of the ONS recorded was 2.3  ± 0.56 servings per day. After three weeks, the mean pressure ulcer area decreased from 1580  ± 3743mm2 to 1103  ± 2999mm2 and further reduction displayed to 743  ± 1809mm2 at the end of the trial, a 53% decrease compared to baseline. Additionally, Complete wound closure occurred after three and nine weeks in 16 (7%) and 49 (20%) of the pressure ulcers respectively. There was also a remarkable decline in exudates levels. At baseline, they were reported as mild, moderate and severe in 54 (33%), 61 (25%) and 32 (13%) of the pressure ulcers respectively, while after nine weeks this had reduced to 81 (22%), 34 (14%) and 10 (4%) respectively.(Heyman et al. 2008) Also, the oral nutritional supplements were accepted by most of participants. Eight out of ten patients did not complain about being given three servings per day and roughly 80% of the patients drank more than half of the ONS at each serving. On the o ther hand, in ten health practitioners involved in this study, nine of them expressed that they would use ONS as part of their pressure ulcer management regimen. (Heyman et al. 2008) 3.6 Limitations and Gaps Although the study involved large number of participants which roughly reflect the nursing-home population of Luxembourg and Belgium, there was no excluded criteria when selecting the participants. As a consequence, various factors such as medical history of diabetes or peripheral vascular disease can prolong wound healing and influence the outcome of the study. 3.7 Recommendations for Further Research The essentiality of conducting further studies has been pointed out to evaluate whether the implementation of oral nutritional supplements is cost-effective and suitable for all patients with pressure ulcers. 4.0 Conclusion Based on the findings from studies provided above, it is reasonable to consider the use of oral nutritional supplements enriched with protein, arginine, vitamin C and zinc as an effective and beneficial intervention in pressure ulcer management. Nevertheless, it is important to administer the ONS combined with other interventions including appropriate wound management and regular repositioning to promote pressure ulcer healing.

Friday, October 25, 2019

United Nations Security Council Reform :: UN World Politics Essays

â€Å"Chief responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security lies with the Security Council. It is therefore essential to its legitimacy that its membership reflect the state of the world.† – French President Chirac’s address to the United Nations General Assembly. Objective The focus of this paper is on the United Nations Security Council reform issue. It will start by giving some history on the United Nations charter and the Security Council. This background will set up a discussion on the past and present proposals to reform the Security Council. I will also offer analysis on the feasibility of these reform proposals. I will then discuss what the key countries think about Security Council reform. Background United Nations Background The United Nations was born out of the turmoil of two devastating world wars. It was established in the hopes that a strong international organization could foster enough cooperation between nations in order to prevent future conflicts. In 1945, representatives from 50 countries met in San Francisco to draw up the United Nations Charter. Those delegates deliberated on the proposals worked out by the representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks, United States in August and October of 1944. The Charter was signed on June, 26 1945 by the representatives of the 50 countries. Poland, which was not represented at the Conference, signed it later and became one of the original 51 Member States. Since then the United Nations has grown significantly. The United Nations General Assembly now consists of 191 Member States. The predecessor of the United Nations was the ill-fated League of Nations, which was conceived under similar circumstances after World War I. The League of Nations ceased its activities after failing to prevent World War II. Fifty-eight years after the signing of the Charter, the world has changed dramatically. Its universal character and comprehensiveness make the United Nations a unique and indispensable forum for governments to work together to address global issues. At the same time, there remains a large gap between aspiration and real accomplishment. There have been many successes and many failures. The United Nations is a bureaucracy that struggles – understandably – in its attempt to bring together 191 countries. It must come at no surprise, therefore, that a consensus cannot always be reached with so many different competing voices. Security Council Background The Security Council of the United Nations has the primary responsibility under the United Nations Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

International Trade Law

Law chosen to govern a transactions is clearly state the legal consequences of their contractual activities for example the right, obligation, and remedies for involve parties, and they can choose the law of particular country or international law to govern their contract. International trade law (CISG) includes the appropriate rules and customs for handling trade between states and it forms part of domestic law if the involve parties are from the contracting state of CISG.With assistance from Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) for filling gap in the coverage of issues by the CISG which is the validity of contract, effect of contract on property and goods, exclusively or non-sale aspects for distribution agreement, and inability of sell for death or personal injury cause by the goods on any person. The domestic law that governs the transactions in Malaysia is the Contract Act 1950 and supplement from Sale of Goods Act (SOGA) 1957 (revised 1989) which is based on the English Sales of Goods Act.As a Malaysian lawyer, I recommend you choose the Contract Act 1950 and SOGA as the governing law because the business you based is on Malaysia home soil and it creates a familiar factor to you. Besides that, Contract Act 1950 and SOGA already govern the basic contract of goods and contract of insurance but they did not cover the contract of carriage. However, because of Malaysia still practices the Hague Rules by virtue of the Carriage of Goods By Sea Act 1950 (Revised 1994), you have to choose the Hague Rules to govern your contract of carriage even though there are prominent weaknesses.For contract of carriage, there is standard term used on trading call as International Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS), and Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) and Free On Board (FOB) are the generally used term in the trade. So, I recommend you to practice FOB even through your product price will slightly lower due to bargain from buyer, but the cost will reflect on save at the transport o f the products. Besides, the main benefit is you do not need to make arrangement on carriage and thus this will reduced the burden to you as a seller’s responsibilities.Policies and regulations have the very close relationship because regulations are come under the policies. The policies and regulations at Malaysia are based on an open and encourage motive, so, normally you can smoothly doing your business on export the product out of Malaysia to foreign countries. This is see through the durian is one of the fruits that identifies by the Third National Agricultural Policy (1998-2010) (NAP3) as important role in creating competitiveness of the Malaysia fruit and vegetable industry in the ASEAN.However, you need to take care about different policies and regulations of your dealing countries which are ASEAN countries and China in order to gain the benefits from all your dealing exporter countries which are actually on the free trade area as ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and also ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA). Firstly, other than the list of preferential tariffs products that under the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme , the 40% rules of origin are also one regulation that need to comply with in able to benefit from preferential market access.So, you need to obtain a different certificate of origin from Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) to trade at both free trade areas. Besides certificate of origin, there are regulations for the quality of trading goods on AFTA and ACFTA. Start from sign of AFTA and ACFTA, the ASEAN countries and China fruits market move to more open market as can see through the fruits quality control have been replace to which is more harmonize and standardize call as Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measurers (SPS).This is to prevent countries to protect their domestic agricultural producers from imports with stringent phytosanitary measures which are non-science based, discriminatory and non-transpar ent. So, you now can be more efficiently and effectively on export your product to these particular countries. ? Answer 2: International agreement different to domestic contract that only contracting within the familiar home country itself, it is more complicated in contracting with various countries and sometimes may be in unfamiliar countries.So in contracting International agreement, there normally required for more trade documents that covers wider range that classified under four main groups which is Financial, Commercial, official, and Transport and insurance documents. Compared to International agreement, domestic contract normally required fewer types of documents especially only commercial and insurance type. This is because domestic contract only contracting the goods move within country territory and did not cross over he national boarder, so documents like certificated of origin in Official group of documents, bill of landing (BOL) or airway bills (AWB) in Transport grou p of documents are not needed. Term of payment decide on International agreement is more complicated than for domestic contract in reasons of more person involve in the payment process for International agreement. This process can explained though the general example of payment term which is letter of credit (LC) that involve bank parties assistance by act as a middle man in the payment process.The next main difference between both is the risk face by each other. International agreement is exposed to a number of risks such as buyer’s risk, transport risk and transfer risk that may be also faced by domestic contract. However, these similar risks faced by the domestic contract will be lower in term of cost factor and some other risks such as exchange rate risk and country or sovereign risk will exclude to domestic contract that only contracting at local currency and local policies.Besides that, the transportation and delivery aspect must follow the international standard for ex ample the standardized dimensions of shipping pallets for International agreement, but this requirement is not so strict for the domestic contract. Product packaging and labeling aspect is also not so concern by domestic contract because it normally travels across short distance. However, for International agreement that the goods travel at long distance, export packaging must be suitable for the particular mode of transport in order to provide maximum protection.There are four different types of contracting methods available which is negotiating a complete contract, choosing international law to govern the contract, agree on standard form or terms, and standard industry contracts. Negotiating a complete contract is not suitable to you because your business was just at the beginning stages of entering the new market, so there are many ‘unknown’ on the others’ domestic law that will cause unfair situation in the contracting, thus this will also incurred even more time in making the final agreement.For your situation that deals with many countries, standard industry contracts seem more suitable to you but there are still not any single association that published the standard contracts of durian even though there are already mature grow of durian industry in ASEAN. Then, Standard terms contracting method is suitable to you not only because it is a speedy and convenient way of contracting, but it also benefit to you as an fferor that has priority in the ‘last shot doctrine’ in the courts. Besides, the objective of choosing international law to govern the contract is to provide more comfortably for other parties to enter the contracts, rather than selecting particular domestic law. So, as I recommend you to choose the Malaysia law as governing law, this method is clearly not suitable because it controversy to governing law that you chosen.The object clauses can create legal and practical problems to you in term of quality and specif ication of the goods you export. Certificate of origin is basic requirement for export goods to other countries, and as discussed before, you needs to obtain a certificate of origin ‘Form D’ from Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for trade on AFTA, and ‘Form E’ for trade on ACFTA in order to fulfill the CEPT scheme.In other simply meaning, you must to obtain the certificate of origin in order to enjoy the benefit of tariff in the free trade area and simply act as a ‘passport’ that show approval to entering particular market. The packing aspect of goods’ specification creates the problem on the transport of durian to other countries by the strong odour of durian leaking out from the poor packaging.So you need to practice the suitable packaging method for your export durian especially your fresh durian that exported by air shipment. Besides that, you must prepare for the future of sustainable packaging that reflect in the designed in a holistic way and be made from responsibly sourced materials that are safe and effective throughout its lifecycle, meet criteria for performance and cost, meet consumers’ choice and expectations and, finally, it has to be recovered efficiently after use.For the price clauses, you better determine the price that can change over time subject to review and modification because there are fluctuate in the currency exchange among all the different countries that will cause huge lost if there are big differences between the current currency and the currency that agree on the fixed price agreement. Payment clauses also need to be aware because the method of payment will affect your receivable ability, and letter of credit seem more suitable for you because it emphasis more on the seller side through the process that provide more insure on receiving of payment for seller side.Penalty for late payment in this clauses will not only provide extra insure to you through the c harges gain for the late payment, but it also help in your financial arrangement due to the on-time payment and assurance of creditability of the buyer through the slightly higher of penalty being set. Delivery and shipment clauses will also raise problem through period time that involve in transport the perishable durian product.So, in order to maintained the product freshness especially when transport at long distance like to China, the date and also time must specify in detail referred to the time of harvest and the available of transportation to prevent any extra days or hours it incurred to transport the product. Besides that, port of shipment is also a critical element in this clause because the distance between the choosing port and the distribution centre determine the product freshness also.For example in China, you can choose the port of Guangzhou because it is considering being a centre for exporting Malaysian durian to China. As I suggest you to choose Malaysian law as t he governing law, you need to state this clearly in the clause of governing law. Besides, after state of the governing law is Malaysian law, follow by the jurisdiction will state Malaysia court is the place to resolve dispute. If this never state in the contract, it will depend on court to decide which law apply.The clause of passing of title and risk is also a vital term to consider when there are accidents happen to the goods on the carrier stage or incident of unpaid seller. ? Bibliography 1. AB Teoh. 2008. Exporting and International Trade [access on 15 July 2010] 2. Essential international trade law by Michelle Sanson. 2002 by Cavendish Publishing (Australia) Pty Limited. Available www. cavendishpublish. com. [access on 15 July 2010]

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analyzing why difficulties arise in intercultural communications Essay

In analyzing why these difficulties arise in intercultural communications, Sheryl L. Lindsley (assistant professor of communication at California State University, Stanislaus), put forth four layers of intercultural communication in 1999: The first layer is the â€Å"macro-context,† which includes the economic and political situations in which the communications occur. A good example is the domination of Mexico by the U. S. , while at the same time increasing Mexico’s revenue made possible by NAFTA (Jennifer Peltak, n.d. ). Lindsley’s second layer consists of individual competency or incompetence, in regard to bilinguals who are generally the bridges to communication. In terms of intercultural businesses, if the bilinguals harbor their own stereotypes of the other culture, some problems cannot be overcome. The third layer is comprised of communicative behaviors. This is in the perception category; using Mexican/American relations as an example, Lidsley identifies expectations on both sides as a potential problem in negotiating. Mexicans tend to keep conflicts private and save face in public, where Americans have no problem resolving conflict in public, and then acknowledging privately that there are no hard feelings. The fourth layer individual attribution to meaning. In the case of preconceived stereotypes, the listener can misinterpret the speaker’s intent because of the mind set barrier. Messages can be perceived selectively, reinforcing cultural stereotypes. While this information may cast a better light on solving or minimizing obstacles to intercultural communication, if we look on the broader scale of business relations, a critical problem emerges; people, no matter what culture, have become a means to an end rather than an integral and important part of a company. This became very obvious in the 1990’s when more companies went global and acquisitions and mergers occurred. In 1993, Business International published the key factor for international business failure: cultural differences (Charles Gancel, Chilina Hills, 1997). To avoid this problem of collapse of the infrastructure of an international company based on a shift in the balance of power and the inaccessibility of remote teams geographically dispersed, Gancel and Hills recommend three fundamental conditions: 1. Clarifying the objective (the company’s philosophy, protocol and methodology must be clearly understood). 2. Negotiating its implementation (in a complex structure, introduction and implementation of systems does not need to be imposed. Some of the systems can be designed and negotiated by those that will be applying them, incorporating the needs of the culture involved). 3. Accompanying change (managers being trained in intercultural relations, informed of their new culture’s way of communicating and imparting information). Last, nonverbal communication and the method by which information is given are important to note. While Americans and many Europeans have no problems asking for and receiving feedback or suggestions from corroborators, a Chinese or Indian individual would see this practice as a personal affront. This is but one example of cultural differences in the workplace. Management that will be working abroad should have a through knowledge of the culture they are about to enter and work within. Along with this verbal exchange, it is important to understand that certain gestures or even forms of eye contact are offensive or insulting to another culture. In order to get the most from the foreign work force, understanding the culture, even having a coach within the new culture is imperative in order to achieve a smoother transition. While intercultural communications will always have its problems and comical blunders, it need not be so painful. Understanding another culture is, now more than ever, the key to successful negotiations from the individual to the corporate level. Works Cited Brislin, Richard. â€Å"Encouraging depth rather than surface processing about cultural differences through critical incidents and role plays. † Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. Center For Cross Cultural Research, Western Washington University. N. d. , 23 April 2006 http://www. ac. wwu. edu/~culture/brislin. htm Burgess, Guy & Heidi. â€Å"Language Differences. † Conflict Research Consortium, University Of Colorado. 1998 – 2002, 21 April 2005 http://www. colorado. edu/conflict/peace/problem/langdif. htm Gancel, Charles & Hills, Chilina. â€Å"Managing the pitfalls and challenges of intercultural communication. † Communication World. December 1997, 22 April 24, 2006 http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m4422/is_n1_v15/ai_20219196 Jones, Anna & Xuan Quach. â€Å"Intercultural Communication: For Students In the Faculty Of Economics and Commerce. † University Of Melbourne. 2004, 22 April 2006 tlu. ecom. unimelb. edu. au/pdfs/intercul_comm. pdf Peltak, Jennifer. â€Å"Intercultural communication problems are best seen via multiple levels. † National Communication Association. N. d. , 23 April 2006 http://www. natcom. org/pubs/CM/cm699. htm.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Public Relations Practices at Starbucks Corporation essay

buy custom Public Relations Practices at Starbucks Corporation essay Introduction Public relations practices are the activities of an individual, corporation, company, store, group and government geared towards promoting goodwill between itself and the public, the community, employees and customers among others (Smith, 2005). Business environment in the current world is exceedingly competitive, thus requires something that brands the organization and makes them stand out to both the public and the media by creating positive public image. Public relations help the organizations to realize their full potential, majorly when good customer relations are attained. This is a managerial duty that is employed by both profit and nonprofit making organizations making them acceptable to members of the society. Literature Review Starbucks is an international corporation that is the largest coffee house company in the world and was first established on March 30, 1971 with its headquarters based at Seattle Washington in the United States of America. It presently has 17,009 distribution stores worldwide, spread in 50 countries in North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania. It offers diversified products which include; drip prepared coffee, cold and hot sandwiches, coffee beans, espresso based hot drinks, salads, snacks, Panini, Pastries and other items like mugs and tumblers ( 2011). Starbucks is presently experiencing stiff rivalry from other coffee house companies like McDonald and the privately owned Dunkin Donuts. Human Rights Action Center (HRAC) on the other hand is a nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC and is directed by world-renowned human rights activist and pioneer Jack Healey. The Center works on concerns of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) [1] that was championed by United Nations in 1948 and uses the arts and technologies to create, innovate, and develop new mechanisms and strategies to stop human rights abuses all over the world.[2] HRAC also support emerging human rights groups and organizations all over the world. Analysis of how Starbucks used public relations to create a brand name Community Relations: On June 30, 2010, Starbucks engaged in a model project of flower and shrub planting that was led by a representative of the Ohio EPA. This activity brought together community members and their families, together with local, state and federal officials and other dignitaries who walked the new path and planted flowers and shrubs along thepath as part of the celebration ( 2011). The project was a joint effort which comprised the River works renovation team that transformed the Haleys Ditch to a natural stream. The job involved excavating a meandering stream, adding rocks and woody debris to form a natural habitat in the water, planting native grasses, trees, shrubs to create an ecosystem that attracts a variety of animals.This public involvement project was used to build a strong brand of Starbucks, since those involved perceived the company as environment friendly. Social Network: Starbucks recently used its good public image to collaborate with Foursquare which is a social network to capture pulse of stores, which enabled them to interact with customers in unique ways, by breaking down barriers of digital and physical worlds. The use of Foursquare was another method for Starbucks to take the rhythm of the experience in physical stores in real time and get feedback from customers ( 2011). This strategy helps Starbucks to market the brands in events and to reach areas that had not been maximized earlier. They also make use of the badge to help customers identify Starbucks location-sharing activity and the venues for such activities. They also open their brands to social media innovations and have gained approval of most influential personalities who command great following through the web. This method has been used by Starbucks where many influential celebrities are used to support and market the products through the social media lead ing to massive customer visits to the stores. Brand Partnerships: Brand partnerships are vital in maintaining their competitive edge in the market. For example, use of friends they have made who can easily favor them on Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and Chatroulette. Each of them except Chatroulette, succeeded to find brand associates they believed in, to include in their new feature testing phases. These Starbucks brands get invited into a private occasion that then changes into media coverage on launch, which eventually introduces them to more people in the circle. Brands found in Twitters good graces have been drawn in to Foursquares elite group of trusted businesses. This partnership style of public relation has seriously assisted Starbucks to promote its brands to the public with the social media being widely accepted and can be accessed by many all over the world. Simple Communication: Starbucks used the keeping it super simple (K.I.S.S.) principle of communications to relay information about their products to the public (Rice Atkin, 2001). This is because communication is a very important tool in building positive relationships with the audience and consumers. Simple messages require no technical explanations, making the principle to be positioned into peoples mid, well understood and not to be forgotten easily by either a 13 or 80-years old members of the society ( 2011). How Starbucks is adjusting to the Social Media Sites Starbucks Corporation is operating in an environment with stiff competition and is making use of the social media like the Twitter, Facebook and social events to promote their brand in their bid to remain competitive in the market (Java Justice? 1997). Recently, StarbuckssVice President of Brand, Chris Bruzzo, was on stage at the Mashable Media Summit ( 2011) where he revealed that Free Pastry Day which was held last year was a whopping success and drove more than one million people to the stores. This also was circulated online. These social events created a big impact in marketing their brands and when was combined with promotions on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, the information spread instantly the same day of the event when news about free pastry was circulated in digital form ( 2011). Bruzzos tributes supporters for using social media to promote new business and his comments endorse that the increase of social media activity sent customer s to Starbucks stores in large numbers to purchase their unique brands. Starbucks also had the Tax Day green initiative which was very successful, especially when they asked customers to take in their tumblers to substitute withss free coffee. This was mainly promoted online through their Facebook page to reach many potential customers at ago ( 2011). Equally, the companys My Starbucks Idea also generated over 80,000 ideas, a success Bruzzo owes to Product Manager Brad Nelson for assisting them tap into the power of Twitter. Currently, Starbucks has succeeded to dominate on Facebook, became the first company to offer a nationwide foursquare deal in United States, and was nominated to test Twitters Promoted Tweets advertisement platform, before other advertisers are given the chance (Rice Atkin, 2001). This fast adoption of use of social media has given Starbucks competitive advantage in reaching more customers and building customer loyalty in their brands. Starbucks also used Internet Week NY which is a festival used to celebrate New York Channel growing internet industry and community. This clearly proves that Starbucks is employing social media to change the way it approaches marketing and for launching products. The Internet Week New York 2011 wrap was also a big success (Java Justice? 1997). Starbucks Corporation operates in a dynamic service industry where customer taste and preferences change with time. The management put more emphasis on quality customer service to be able to source more customers and maintain the current. Customer prospects revolve around product quality and service, value for money charged, timely service delivery and sustainability of service within an organized favorable atmosphere. The management has developed instant feedback mechanisms to get the views of the customers. This helps the corporation know the new market trends and customer expectations besides assisting it have personalized encounter with the customers to create positive image. Crisis that Starbucks faced and its Response to handle the crisis Coffee Crisis In 2008, Starbucks faced Coffee Crisis that led to the closure of 600 stores. This was as a result of competition and the global economic recession that drove away customers and led to no sales of coffee at hundreds of Starbucks stores across United States, where coffee went cold without consumers. On July, 1 2008, the nation's leading coffee chain declared that it would close nearly 600 coffee stores that were not profitable. Due to the decline of national economic growth, worried consumers saved their money and visited Starbucks less frequently, leading to a decline in consumption and profits by 28 percent compared with the figures as at March 30, 2007 ( 2011). This was confirmed by the statement of Starbucks CFO Pete Bocian delivered in a conference call, asserting that Starbucks is experiencing major impact from the economic meltdown. This effect was felt in all locations within the United States including California where, most of the stores were empty without any cus tomers ( 2011). Starbucks handled this crisis by closing down 600 stores that were not profitable by end of 2008 to cut down on operation costs, majorly the stores that were opened between 2006 and 2007. This was to leave only the stores that still had moderate customer flow and to improve customer concentration in the few operation stores (Java Justice? 1997). It also opened 200 fewer stores than intended in 2009 as the company awaited the world economy to stabilize. Starbucks also diversified its market to seek cheaper coffee supplies from countries like Kenya that had not been fully considered. The company equally made plans to remove breakfast sandwiches, but re-focused on coffee by offering a new smoother blend and Pike Place Roast in all stores, grinding and brewing fresh groups of coffee more frequently during the day. This closure resulted in only 16,226 stores left to operate globally by March 2009 with 11,434 in the U.S. ( 2011). Competition was another cause of the Coffee Crisis Starbucks faced. Its close competitors incllude other coffee shops, restaurants and doughnut shops. Starbucks, that has increased its prices twice in the past year,is experiencing major competition from McDonalds and privately owned Dunkin Donuts (Java Justice? 1997). Dunkin Donuts currently has nearly 5,000 stores in the U.S. targeting the same customer as Starbucks. Starbucks also faces significant setbacks as its stores face saturation in the domestic market and a change in consumer spending activated by the global recession has also compelled consumers to shift to less costly competitors such as McDonalds. There is also specialty coffeehouse competitor - Caribou Coffee that has 415 stores in the US and offers considerable competition to Starbucks due to its specialty among the thousands of independent and small-chain coffee shops around United States and the world. Competition has been dealt with through high level public relationsstrategies Starbucks has put in place that has given rise to classic working environment that attract great employees, who provide better customer service, leading to improved sales. Being that this is a service industry, quality service plays a major role in the success of the company with attractive environment, for example, in Starbucks; one can take coffee as he listens to a good music, thus creating added value to their service. Starbucks has also adopted the work and relax model that attracts more qualified customer service representatives (Java Justice? 1997). This model encourages high productivity among the employees. Starbucks has also diversified its products to a variety, ranging from high quality whole bean coffee, premium teas, freshly brewed coffee, a variety of cold blended beverages, coffee and beverage, various food pastry items, as well as a line of CDs. This diversification gives them competitive e dge over other rivals making its stores a one stop shop where a number of drinks needed by customers are found. Similarities between Public Relations Campaigns for Starbucks and HRAC The tools used to build public relations are similar both in profit and nonprofit making organizations. Traditional tools comprise press releases and media kits which are released to generate positive image of the organization, brochures, and annual reports newsletters (Wilcox, Ault Agee, 1992). There is also increase in the use of interactive social media outlets, such as Twitter, Facebook, and foursquare which is a social network as tools for public relations campaigns. The social media tools allow the organization to utilize two way communications, and receive instant feedback from various stakeholders and public. The methods used to find out what is appealing to target audiences include the use of focus groups, surveys and conducting research (Wilcox, Ault Agee, 1992). Both profit and nonprofit organizations have a similarity in the main role of public relations of maintaining and harnessing the relationship between an organization and its publics. This reason makes public relations to become the custodian of the organizations reputation. This is achieved through a high level of professionalism exhibited by the practitioners both in profit and nonprofit organizations. Differences between public relations campaigns for Starbucks and HRAC The aim of Public relations in nonprofit organizations like Human Rights Action Center is to build understanding and public relations activity that can be sustained to be effective in the long run while public relations for profit making organizations like Starbucks are geared towards influencing the minds of members of public with a view of convincing them to change their mind in terms of what to consume. The role of the public relations professionals is to develop and sustain long relationships with the public by giving the most favorable, but honest information. HRAC organizations public relations campaigns are not personalized but are run by voluntary sector and civil society with their missions not to make money who help people in difficult situations in delivering essential services and are supported by charity organizations. The campaigns are geared towards educating the public concerning the UDHR, to enlighten members of the public on their rights and to represent the vulnerable groups like the children.Profit making organizations Campaigns on the other hand sponsor their marketing activities with their sole objective to make sales irrespective the level of public knowledge on their products. Conclusion Public relations is very vital in individual, corporation and government operation that ensures an organization commands public goodwill and makes an organization to realize its full potential (Smith, 2005). Starbucks Corporation, a profit making company fully employed several public relations techniques to engage the community using public functions including Internet Week NY and Foursquare deal and the use of social media like the Twitter, Facebook to change opinions of consumers to fully accept the Starbucks brands. This technique made Starbucks have a competitive advantage over its rivals in the coffee industry. Starbucks however faced Coffee Crisis that arose as a result of economic recession and competition in 2008 that led to the closure of 600 stores. Buy custom Public Relations Practices at Starbucks Corporation essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Intercultural Communication in Bend It Like Beckham essays

Intercultural Communication in Bend It Like Beckham essays Bend it Like Beckham is about a young Indian woman named Jessminder who struggles between being herself and doing what she loves and pleasing her family and their traditional values. Jesss parents want her to lead a traditional life and learn to cook, work on her education, and get married like her sister. They dont like her playing soccer, which Jess not only loves to do, but is also very talented at. When Jess is discovered by another local female soccer player, Jules, and asked to play on their local girls team, she knows her parents will never accept this as part of her life. However, Jess decides to lie to her parents and secretly join the team in order to pursue her love of soccer. The film is full of so many examples of intercultural communication; it was actually hard to focus on a specific area. However, one of the aspects in the film I found especially interesting was the culture clash between Jesss very traditional parents and extended family compared to the very modern London, England, where they lived. I realized later after studying the film in greater detail that several characters within the movie experience their own culture clash and adapt and change in their own ways. In the essay The Role of Family and Macrocultures in Intercultural Relationships by Carley H. Dodd and John R. Baldwin, the authors explain that it has traditionally been believed that a culture is made up of large groups of people that share the same way of life, such as a specific ethnic group or members of the same country. However, many scholars now believe that any size group can share a way of life, and for that group, this becomes a culture (Dodd and Baldwin, 335). This was evident to me as I witnessed not only Jesss family adapt to their changing environment, but Jess herself adapt and accept the soccer player way of life, and also Jules mother Paula as she...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

40+ Best Print Book Distributors in 2019 the Ultimate Guide

40+ Best Print Book Distributors in 2019 the Ultimate Guide List of Print Book Distributors As a self-published author, finding the right book distributors can be overwhelming. eBook distribution is relatively simple, as almost anyone can list their books on the world's largest retailers. But if you want people to find your title on the shelves of your local bookstore, you need a  distributor. And depending on your genre, some might be better for you than others.Well, we’re here to help! Below, we’ve put together a list of book distributors - some of which are also wholesalers - to help you get your book on the shelves. But first, let’s nail down what a book distributor is and why it might be important in your author journey.What are book distributors?Book distributors are companies that pitch and sell books directly to wholesalers, bookstores, libraries, and other retailers through sale representatives and catalogs. If you’re a self-publisher, that means that you don’t need to worry about marketing your book to bookstores - your dist ributor will do that for you. And depending on whether you're using print-on-demand services or printing in bulk, the wholesaler might also take care of warehousing your title.In exchange, though, you may need to sign an exclusivity agreement, meaning your distributor is the only one that can sell your books to retailers and can charge a lot for their service (about 55% or more of the book’s cover price).Note: if you haven't figured out how you're going to print your book yet, check out this post comparing the major print-on-demand services available to indie authors.Distributors often specialize in a specific market (such as fiction, travel books, or children’s books), which is why it’s important that you do research based on your book’s genre in order to find a distributor that best fits your needs. Some are also more indie-friendly than others - an important factor for self-publishers to take into account, as some distributors may not work with single -title authors. Find out what book distributors are and why they are important on your author journey What is the difference between book distributors and book wholesalers?You might also see the word â€Å"book wholesaler† pop up every so often when you’re doing your research. There is a difference between the two. Book wholesalers also buy books in bulk and store them. However, unlike distributors, they will not market or pitch your title to bookstores. Instead, they simply accept and fulfill requests when bookstores and retailers order titles directly from them.To get your book onto the shelves, there’s no getting around the need of a middleman between you and the retailers. It’s physically impossible for a self-published author to distribute their book nationwide, much less globally.Therefore, it’s up to you to figure out what kind of middleman you want. If you deal directly with a distributor, you only need to worry about getting your book in the distributor’s hands. The distributor will then take charge of the actual distribution process . Wholesales, on the other hand, merely stock your book for you. You’ll need to do all the marketing and pitching to bookstores yourself. Book distributors vs. book wholesales. What is the difference? Find out... How does this affect you?If you are a self-published author who’s looking to get your book onto the shelf of a bookstore (or maybe even into The Guardian), getting set up with the right distributor is vital. Start off by going to their website and reading their services information. You should be able to get an idea of 1. How the company works and 2. What kind of books they distribute. An ideal match is a distributor that specializes in your particular genre - you will want them to have the appropriate experience marketing and selling your kind of book, after all.You’ll then need to download and fill out their application - yes, even indie-friendly distributors don’t work with everybody. If you don’t find one on their website, emailing an inquiry is usually the best option. This goes without saying, but read carefully whatever you are required to sign as this will have a direct impact on your royalties.With that in mind, here’s list of distributor s to get you started.Print Book Distributors in the United StatesAK Press Independent publisher and book distributor specializing in radical left and anarchist literature. Specialized genres: Radical left and anarchist literature. Website: E-mail: info@akpress.orgAlibris Premier online marketplace and distributor for independent sellers of new and used books, music, and movies, as well as rare and collectible titles. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: Distributors Family owned distributor of Christian books and church supplies. Specialized genres: Religious - Christian. Website: E-mail: anchor.customerservice@anchordistributors.comAmerican West Books A major, nationwide supplier to warehouse clubs, specialty grocers, and national booksellers. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: Info@AmericanWestBooks.comBaker Taylor – A Follett Company A leading distributor of books, video, and music products to libraries, institutions, and retailers. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: btinfo@btol.comBCH Fulfillment Distribution Independent book distributor and fulfillment house focusing on Small Presses, particularly with 10 or fewer titles. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: customerservice@bookch.comBella Distribution Distribution to independent and chain bookstores for small publishing and bookstore communities. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: info@belladistribution.comBookBaby Offers on demand printing and book distribution services. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: (Learn more about BookBaby here!)CB Books Distribution Supports self-published and first-time authors, specializing in urban authors. Specialized genres: Urban books and African American authors. Website: E-mail: cbbookdist@aol.comCardinal Publishers Group National book distributor serving independent presses. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: info@cardinalpub.comCasemate Major specialist publisher and book distributor specializing in the producing and printing of military books. Specialized genres: Leading publisher of military books but also covers more genres. Website: E-mail: casemate@casematepublishers.comConsortium Books Sales Distribution Works with independent publishers as well as academic, library, wholesale and specialist markets. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: cbsdinfo@ingramcontent.comDeVorss Company Book publisher and distributor of Metaphysical, Inspirational, Spiritual, Self-Help, and New Thought titles. Specialized genres: Metaphysical, inspirational, spiritual, self-help, and new thought. Webs ite: E-mail: service@devorss.comDiamond Comic Distributors The world’s largest distributor of English-language comics, graphic novels and pop-culture related merchandise. Specialized genres: Comics, graphic novels, pop-culture. Website: E-mail: newaccounts@diamondcomics.comGem Guides Book Company Book publisher and distributor of books on rocks, minerals, gemstones, fossils, and crystals. Specialized genres: Rocks, minerals, gemstones, fossils, and crystals. Website: E-mail: info@gemguidesbooks.comGreenleaf Book Group A publisher and distributor dedicated to helping independent authors and small presses getting their work published. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: contact@greenleafbookgroup.comIndependent Publishers Group Distributes in the United States for large and small independent publishers and for publishers in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canad a, France, Ireland, Spain, Israel, and elsewhere. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: frontdesk@ipgbook.comIngram Content Group The world’s largest distributor of books to online and retail stores, schools, and libraries. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: IngramSpark is Ingram’s platform for indie publishers, offering distribution, production, and book assembly. (For a promo code, read our IngramSpark review.) Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: ingramsparksupport@ingramcontent.comMidpoint Trade Books A full-service book distribution company that represents independent publishers across the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: orders@midpointtrade.comNational Book Network An independent, full-service sales, marketing, and distribution company se rving book publishers from around the world. Specialized genres: Non-fiction, fiction, and children's titles. Website: E-mail: customercare@nbnbooks.comNew Leaf Distributing The world's largest wholesale distributor of books, recorded media and sidelines related to the subject areas of Spirituality, Metaphysics, Natural Alternative Wellness, and Conscious Living. Specialized genres: Spiritual, metaphysics, natural alternative wellness, and conscious living. Website: Shelves Books Distribution company that offers their experience to small publishers and self-published authors. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: info@newshelves.comPublishers Group West One of the top book distribution companies in the world. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: Distribution Services The largest full-service distributor of hardcover, trade and paperback books to non-trade channel booksellers in North Americ a. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: Info@Readerlink.comSCB Distributors An independent, full-service distributor to the book trade. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: scb@scbdistributors.comSimon Schuster Offers a full range of distribution services to independent publishers, including but not limited to sales, fulfillment, production, and digital support services. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: Press Distribution Currently the only distributor in the country dedicated exclusively to independently published literature. Specialized genres: Variety. Website: E-mail: spd@spdbooks.orgSunbelt Publications Publishes and distributes books specializing on the land and its people, natural science, outdoor guides, and cultural histories and regional references of the southwest. Specialized genres: Natu ral science, outdoor guides, cultural histories, regional references of the southwest. Website: E-mail: sunbeltbook@sunbeltpub.comTAN Books A traditional Catholic American book distributor and publisher. Specialized genres: Religious - Catholic. Website: E-mail: A list of the top print book distributors in the US... all in one place Do you know any other distributors that we missed? Let us know in the comments below!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Appraches in Business Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Appraches in Business Psychology - Essay Example It is influenced by experience. To observe that a brain structure or a brain process is correlated with gender does not necessarily imply that brain differences cause gender differences. Gender differences in brain structure may result from gender differences in learning, experience, and socialization. All the elements of an organisation – the members, functions, rules, governing authority, revenue and ideas – must be regrouped around series of basic political issues. Thus, it becomes necessary to identify the issues so that politics in an organisation may be examined in dynamic terms. What issues are these? There are several issues, but the concern of this paper is the issue on the gender. Members are associated within the organisation; they must stand in some kind of relation to each other. In fact, the members are the most important element of the organisation. If the organisation is a pyramid then they were the base; therefore, they are the very foundation of the group. Authorities might be at the top directing and leading the organisation but they should have a thorough understanding of this element to able to run the organisation smoothly. Are all members placed on equal footing? Or are some superior to the rest? The truth is, no matter how bad it seems to be, members would always be categorized according to class in a society where they belong. This fact would tell us that business leaders, in order to interpret their mission and vision, must always conduct class analysis. Rowe (1994) asserted that â€Å"the measures we label as environmental (including such central ones as social class) may hide genetic variation† (p. 5). And how do genes create the environment? To Rowe, The answer is that the genes may construct a nervous system--and that hormones and neurotransmitters may then motivate behaviors resulting in the dramatic redesign of an environment.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Specialised nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Specialised nursing - Essay Example The presentation of depression of people with autism, which is a pervasive developmental disorder, is coloured by the underlying disorder, considerably altering the manner in which it presents (Munden and Perry, 2002, 13). Nursing assessment, diagnostic process, care plan, and care delivery would thus be very complicated. The clinical presentation further complicates the already existing difficulties in communication. There is a necessity of increased nursing knowledge base to ensure people with autism receive a prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment (Stewart et al., 2006, 103-116). Mr. John has been admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of gastric cancer. Therefore, it is expected that he has presented in an advanced stage, where palliative surgery is the only means of treatment, and the outlook is poor. His understanding about his condition would be poor. The nurse who is left with his care has several challenges. Most important is his inability to communicate. The patient remains conscious about that, and as a result becomes anxious. The basis of nursing in his care would depend on social exchange between him and his nurse. However, the social impairment is extreme, leading to situations where his well-defined needs may fail to be adequately considered. The classical triad of impairments in him would be social relationship, social understanding, and imagination and social communication. These patients are often extremely anxious in an unfamiliar environment, and from that angle, admission to a hospital is a very difficult issue to deal with. The nurse must be aware of this fact, and the problem may be further aggravated by failure to communicate (Valente, 2004, 236-243). His advanced stage of gastric cancer needing palliative surgery places him in the need of palliative nursing care. Many autistic individuals need palliative care, and their care needs are different (Dell et al., 2008, 177-182). His palliative care need would need extra input from the nursing services. Palliative care is implemented for people with impending death, and being an autistic individual, his morbidity and mortality patterns, healthcare needs, presentation of symptoms, conceptualization of illness and death, and issues around education and training will be different. Palliative care has been defined as active total care for patients whose disease is unresponsive to curative management. The nursing goal is to achieve the best possible quality of life for both the patient and his family. Being autistic exerts limitations in adaptive skill areas, such as, communications, home living, skills in social relations, self-care, academic skills, concepts in health and safety, and leis ure and work. All these factors may influence his care (Tuffrey-Wijne, 2003, 55-57). The associated depression in this patient is another problem. Depression frequently coexists but is very difficult to identify, since many of these patients are noncommunicative. Behaviours may escalate or patients may shut down, where the nurses must rely on their interpretations of their behaviours and the environment. The nurse must be aware about this possibility. The presentation depends on the patient's age, level of intelligence, and level of verbal skills. There may be history of crying spells, sad affect, increasing aloofness or social withdrawal, and disturbance of sleep and

Research techniques and approaches PowerPoint Presentation

Research techniques and approaches - PowerPoint Presentation Example The survey questionnaire was helpful in retrieving real time view of the respondents by presenting certain statements aimed at understanding respondent’s view on the particular variables (GAIMSTER 2011, 56). The responses provided by the respondents will be measured using Likert Scale as this will enable the researcher to determine the degree of agreement or disagreement of the respondent pertaining to particular statements. On the other hand, the interview guideline enabled the researcher to gather in-depth detail about the subject. For evaluating the gathered data scientifically, the researcher shall use the SPSS software (FLYNN & FOSTER 2009, 56). This software provides statistical trends along with the graphical presentation of these trends to help researchers in asserting the primary information and answer research questions. Statistical analysis of surveys: For the purpose of checking the reliability of the data and the hidden information in the form of patterns, the researcher shall use Regression analysis, Corn Bach Alpha test of reliability, one way Anova and Mean analysis (BLESSING, CHAKRABARTI & BLESSING 2009, 89). The data collected will be analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Qualitative data will be analyzed using grounded theory methods. The hypotheses formulated for this study will be tested with the use of logistic regression and one-way Anova. Logistic regression is multiple regression but with an outcome variable that is a categorical dichotomy and predictor variables that are continuous or categorical (LAU 2012, 11). Quantitative data analysis was done to generate frequencies percentages and means. The resulting quantitative data will be interpreted using simple statistical method. The qualitative data obtained through open-ended questions and interview protocols wil l be analyzed by placing the

Project Management in IT Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Project Management in IT Industry - Essay Example An information technology project has four dimensions referred commonly as Four P’s. These four dimensions include people, process, product and project. People are the human beings used in the project activities. They are organized into effective teams, motivated to perform top quality work and coordinated to fulfill effective communication. Process is the methodology used for managing the activities and getting the tasks completed on time to achieve the set goals and objectives. Product is the needs of the customers constituted into tasks and positioned for action by the software team. Project is the IT enabled services or organization that enables success of the product, process and people (Ahmed 2009)There are three factors which are traded in the management of project. The first factor is time, second is cost and the third is performance. A project is successful only if it is completed on time, meets the performance requirements and it is well within the budget. There are three constraints in managing an IT project that impacts the quality; the project scope, time and cost. All the three constraints determine the quality of the project Appendix A gives illustration of trade-off amongst these three constraints to achieve the quality in the form of a triangle.It is not only important to manage project scope, time and cost but also it is essential to manage the project quality, communication and risks. Quality is the attainment of product or service as per defined specifications.... Product is the needs of the customers constituted into tasks and positioned for action by the software team. Project is the IT enabled services or organization that enables success of the product, process and people (Ahmed 2009) There are three factors which are traded in the management of project. The first factor is time, second is cost and the third is performance. A project is successful only if it is completed on time, meets the performance requirements and it is well within the budget. There are three constraints in managing an IT project that impacts the quality; the project scope, time and cost. All the three constraints determine the quality of the project Appendix A gives illustration of trade-off amongst these three constraints to achieve the quality in the form of a triangle (Ahmed 2009) It is not only important to manage project scope, time and cost but also it is essential to manage the project quality, communication and risks. Quality is the attainment of product or se rvice as per defined specifications. Communication is the exchange of messages amongst the project stake-holders. Risks are the uncertainties associated with the project scope, time and cost (Ahmed 2009) Scope Management Project Scope is the area of work bound by cost and time. The success of the project mostly depends on the understanding of the tasks to be included and excluded from the work-load of the project. It is therefore essential that the scope of the project or in simple words the work-load to be done in a project is well defined and properly comprehended (Warner 2010) Defining scope of the project is the first thing in project management. The quality, cost, time, risks and communication depend heavily on the description of project

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Smoking Among the Youth in Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Smoking Among the Youth in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example From the most prominent causes of smoking, it was revealed in the paper written by Mandil, BinSaeed, et al. that peer pressure or the apparent need to be perceived as doing what friends are doing, and the strong impact of family members seen to be smoking are most influential. Likewise, other causes of smoking include the lack of governmental restrictions that preclude the youths from easily purchasing cigarettes regardless of age and the apparently low prices of cigarettes (Siddiqui, Ogbeide, and Khalifa). In the article written by Bassiony, the author disclosed the motivating factors and reasons for smoking, as follows: â€Å"desire (32%), idleness (28%), imitation (22%), and enjoyment (20%) are among the motives to smoke. If the problem goes unresolved, more youths and adults would be addicted to smoking due to its nicotine content and would find it challenging to get out of the habit. There are other repercussions that include increased risks to contract health hazards such as h igh blood pressure, higher tendencies for heart attacks, contracting cancer of various organs in the body, especially the lungs, throat, voice box, pancreas, and kidneys. Likewise, health hazards for females were reported to include fertility problems and cancer of the cervix. More importantly, cigarette smoking, if left unabated, is forecasted to result, within the next 20 to 30 years, to â€Å"10 million deaths annually on a worldwide basis, of which 70% will occur in developing countries† (Siddiqui, Ogbeide and Khalifa 367).

A)The financial crisis of 2007-2010 was it simply the result of lax Essay

A)The financial crisis of 2007-2010 was it simply the result of lax regulation, or were a range of factors at play (50 marks) - Essay Example The first phase, as explained below, is Novel Offering. Finally, I will discuss the link between the crises and the factors such as Crises of Financialisation and contradiction. The crises will also be explained from an economic theory pint of view (Peretz and Schroedel 2009). Novel Offerings Novel offerings are sources of revenue used by banks and other financial institutions by trading in different financial products. For the last few decades, the context of deregulation has greatly contributed towards development of these financial products. For example, since 1970s, different regulations controlling the actions of financial institutions in the UK and USA have been loosening up. This includes Glass Steagall, which had been instituted to disjoin the people’s savings from the riskier operations of investment banks. The banks resulted in creation of shadow baking system, which allowed them to circumvent the rule that required them to balance the risk on their books with some l evel of capital. Securitisation, Boom and collapse of shadow banking The shadow banking system is believed to have traded the worst performing and the riskiest mortgages. These systems put extensive pressure upon the traditional institutions hence forcing them to soften their underwriting standards and start dealing with riskier loans. These banks were later criticised for underpinning the financial system, though they were not accountable to the same regulatory controls. What’s more, these banks were susceptible because of maturity mismatch, implying that they borrowed short-term loans from liquid markets and bought illiquid, long-term, but risky assets. The uncontrolled practices of such banks are the core of the 2007 financial crises – the situation could have been better if regulation was imposed on all activities related with banking. In the spring of 2007, the securitization markets were helped by shadow banking systems, leading to a more or less shut-down in the fall of 2008. What ensued was disappearance from market of more than a third of the private credit market (Thompson 2005). Figure 1 shows how securitization market came near shut-down during the crises. Figure 1: Decline of securitization market Securitisation is the process by which a certain assets’ cash-flows are separated from the balance sheet of the primary entity and transformed into marketable securities (Thompson 1995). The purpose of securitisation is to convert illiquid assets into marketable securities. It is used by insures as a form of risk management, which is achieved through transferring, commoditising and reallocating of different types of risks such as interest rate risk, credit risk, and pricing risk. Securitisation of the US subprime mortgage, according to Ingham (2008), fuelled the global crises during the summer of 2007 by increasing the extent of lending to subprime borrowers, which was happening at a very high default rate. Between 2004 and 2006, the market for subprime loans expanded significantly as shown in figure 2. As a result, the European and the US banks were writing off a massive amount of financial assets as the securitised mortgages became illiquid. The public money was used by many governments to bail out the financial institutions that were entangled into crises. Although it is usually a regulatory requirement to undertake credit rating on

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Smoking Among the Youth in Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Smoking Among the Youth in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example From the most prominent causes of smoking, it was revealed in the paper written by Mandil, BinSaeed, et al. that peer pressure or the apparent need to be perceived as doing what friends are doing, and the strong impact of family members seen to be smoking are most influential. Likewise, other causes of smoking include the lack of governmental restrictions that preclude the youths from easily purchasing cigarettes regardless of age and the apparently low prices of cigarettes (Siddiqui, Ogbeide, and Khalifa). In the article written by Bassiony, the author disclosed the motivating factors and reasons for smoking, as follows: â€Å"desire (32%), idleness (28%), imitation (22%), and enjoyment (20%) are among the motives to smoke. If the problem goes unresolved, more youths and adults would be addicted to smoking due to its nicotine content and would find it challenging to get out of the habit. There are other repercussions that include increased risks to contract health hazards such as h igh blood pressure, higher tendencies for heart attacks, contracting cancer of various organs in the body, especially the lungs, throat, voice box, pancreas, and kidneys. Likewise, health hazards for females were reported to include fertility problems and cancer of the cervix. More importantly, cigarette smoking, if left unabated, is forecasted to result, within the next 20 to 30 years, to â€Å"10 million deaths annually on a worldwide basis, of which 70% will occur in developing countries† (Siddiqui, Ogbeide and Khalifa 367).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

John K.Kennedy`s commitment to peace and disarmament before and during Essay

John K.Kennedy`s commitment to peace and disarmament before and during his presidency - Essay Example He was a committed person as then he was a senator and was addressing an audience where President Johnson was one of them. His dream of peaceful world was a forfeited one. In the address J.F Kennedy said people thought peace was impossible to achievable, it was unreal, but he said was dangerous and defeatist belief which leads to a conclusion that war is inevitable that mankind is doomed and that they are gripped by forces which we cannot control. He said this kind of view needed not to accept. J.F.Kennedy encouraged focus on more practical and attainable peace based on a sudden revolution in human nature but on a gradual evolution in human institutions on series of concrete actions and effective agreements which are in the interests of all concerned. He said that United States and its allies, and the Soviet and its allies had a mutually deep interest in a just and genuine peace and in halting the arms race. Agreements that the end was in the interest of the Soviet Union was well as the United States and even the most hostile nations could be relied upon to accept and keep those treaty obligation, which were in their interest. He encouraged perseverance in the search for peace in the hope that constructive changes within the communist bloc might bring within reach solutions which seemed beyond. He said United States to conduct its affairs in such a way that it became in the communist interest to agree on a genuine peace. Above all, while defending its own vital interests, nuclear power should avert the confrontations which could bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or nuclear war. To adopt the kind of course in... It is clear from the above that John F.Kennedy `s fight for a world free of arms and peaceful is well evident. He had put his life on the line just because of his desire to have A world free of arms. His fight for America out of Vietnam can be sighted as one of the reasons that his enemies had no option other than to have him assassinated. His speeches had always indicated clearly his desire and purpose for his political ambitions.He died having partially fulfilled his dream but it lives with and it needs attention. He was the youngest American president ever and a born twentieth century but his legacy lives on. His outstanding charisma and resolve of what he thought made the most coveted president in the United States ever ruled. He was a challenge and his enemies had no option left than having him assassinated.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The rapid growth of Chinas GDP

The rapid growth of Chinas GDP The Chinese economy has undergone a rapid growth at an annual rate of around 9% for the past three decades. As a result, China is emerging as a new economic superpower. According to the statistics published by the World Bank, Chinas total GDP is on the way to replace that of Germany and is becoming the third largest economy in the world in 2008, after overtaking the United Kingdom in 2006. Some economists further suggest that if current trends continue, China may replace the United States as the largest economy in the world at some time in the middle of the century. Present your view on the possibility of this scenario. Discuss the possible implications for such a development for: a) the world trading system, b) the world monetary system, c) the business strategy of todays New Zealand firms, and d) global commodity prices. Over the past few decades, the importance of international trade and investment has been increased major matter for growth of countrys economy. According to Hodgetts and Luthans, that international trade and investment rates have been growing significantly larger and larger than domestic trade and investment (2003). Additionally, Czinkota, Ronkainen Moffetts believes international business has provided more opportunities ever before (2002). During the last decades, Asian business market place is developing dynamically and economic growth is increasing significantly. Especially, China has become as major role in a growth of the world economy. The reason of this is china has finally opened their door of economy to other countries for international trade and investment. As the result of that, China has become as one of the worlds fastest growing economies and it still grows dramatically because of their totalitarian system which the Chinese government based on (Hill, 2007). Since China has joined into the World Trade Organization in 2001, many Western firms have been attracted to enter into Chinese market as their investment and trading partners. China has been considered as the ideal destination by them (International Monetary Fund, 2004). Even more, many economists forecast, China can be the world biggest economy by 2050 if current trend continue (Hill, 2007). According to this, It shows a possibility that China would play a major role in world trade and monetary system in the future. This essay will examine the possible implications of Chinas growth in the world trade system and monetary system. Also it will briefly suggest the business strategy for todays New Zealand firms. Finally, this essay will discuss on global commodity price. The world trading system According to many economists, China has been expected to be the world biggest economic country in the future and ranks in international trade market are essential to be indentified where China is positioned. WTO says that China merchandise trade in world has ranked as 3rd position and commercial services trade in world has ranked as export 9th position and import 7th position in 2005 (World Trade Organization, 2007). Furthermore, trade amount of china with the world market has been increased remarkably from year 2001 to year 2006. Chinese trading increased 245% more in this period. Foreign direct investment also has been jumped up about 60% in this period too (Chinas Economy, 2007). The main reason for this change of Chinese economy in the world market is believed by economists due to their agreement with WTO in 2001. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade stated, Many of the expected benefits of Chinas WTO membership relate to the modernization into the world system (Ministry of Fore ign Affairs and Trade, 2001). Subsequently, China has successfully adapted in world economy and trading system. Additionally, their successful achievement towards international competition and global business opportunities will drive China to chase to more widely opened market economy system and to enter the world market for national products (Yuntin, 2004). During the past decades, Chinese exports have tended to reallocate its market system from traditional manufacturing sectors to value-added sectors. This has been resulted from their role of trading with major economies of other countries. For example, electrical machinery manufactured in china has become their largest export area at 34% of Chinese total export in 2003. It shows that a possibility of China can be greater its part in the international export market. And now, this competitive change of China is threatening other countries for their export market shares. A number of economists cautiously say that Chinese market powe r for skill-and-technology products would increase rapidly while competition against Chinese market for unskilled-labour-intensive manufactures is dropping. Recently, China has one third of global petroleum demand as world second largest oil consumer. And their petroleum demand is still increasing fast. This will be caused as increase in importing petroleum into China. However, the prices of petroleum and raw materials have been increasing and this has made some countries to be rich from benefit of containing/trading petroleum and raw materials in their land such as countries in Middle East and North Africa region. Those countries are large suppliers of oil and raw materials to the world, and they are predicting that China would be increased in further oil demand (International Monetary Fund, 2004). Furthermore, not only Middle East and North Africa, but also the most regions are likely to gain benefit from Chinese economic activities. However, some countries in Asia which run their economy similar to China seems to have huge disadvantage from compete with China, due to their low costs for labour intensive products. For example, the worl d market going to be tougher to South East Asian countries from Chinese development of manufacturing and trading. In contrast, countries such as South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan will get advantages from trade with China due to their market for export and import is relied heavily by China. Foreign direct investment into China is another reason for its huge economic growth. Since China became a member of WTO in 2001, foreign direct investment has in-flowed at a rate of roughly $1 billion every week. In 2002, as the result, China has become the world largest foreign direct investment in-flowed with ranked at the top by foreign investors. Chinese 1.5 billion population helped to attract foreign investors too. This fact obviously made foreign investors to concern China as more interesting and more promising market (Hill, 2007). However, this need to be concerned as serious problem to other country located in Asia. The reason of this is possibly the meaning of reduce in foreign direct investment flowing into their countries because of increasing foreign direct investment in China. At the moment, the Chinese government tries to emphasize its market attraction to foreign investors and this would be promoting Chinese market to boost foreign direct investment inflow into there. China is still rarely doubted about their country will be the most attractive and tasty target for foreign investors and this will be remain same for next few decades (Kotabe Helsen, 2004). The world monetary system According to Hill, International monetary system refers to the institutional arrangements that govern exchange rate (2007, p.368). The worlds four major currencies U.S dollar, the European Unions euro, the Japanese yen, and the British pound are all free to float against each other. Therefore, is can have an effect on swing of exchange rate. There are two main exchange rate systems exist in system, floating exchange rate and fixed exchange rate, are these. First of all, according to Kotabe and Helsen, floating exchange rate is the closest approximation to perfect competition because there is no government intervention and because billions of units of currency are being traded by buyers and sellers (2004). The currency in country also can become strong or weak depend on buyers and sellers sides change due to inflation, interest rate, rumor and income from international trade. If the country is shortage in international trades, and it is also not necessary to keep foreign currency fo r balance of country own currency globally, this regime gives benefit (International Monetary Fund, 2004). For example, when the foreign exchange market determines the relative of a currency, the country is regarded as adopt floating exchange rate regime (Hill, 2007). Second, fixed exchange rate is that A managed float allows for a limited amount of government intervention to soften sudden swings in the value of a currency. This is for the purpose of maintaining an orderly, less volatile foreign exchange market (Kotabe Helsen, 2004, p. 2004). Hill has stated that under a pegged exchange rate regime, a country will peg the value of its currency to that of a major currency so that, for example, as the U.S. dollar rises in value, its own currency rises too (2007, p.380). China is using fixed exchange rate regime while the most of countries are using floating exchange rate. Fixed exchange rate regime gives advantage that government can manage its exchange rate easily when inflation ra te increased, on the other hand, there is disadvantage of that economy can be depressed when their currency was overestimated. The difference between those two exchange rate regimes is whether the government has some degree of control over exchange rate in the foreign exchange market to hang on to the value of its own currency. Kotabe and Helsen believe that a country rather to adopt monetary system which has a large degree of exchange rate flexibility which best suits own economic circumstance (2004). During the past decade, China has maintained the value of Yuan at 8.3 of a U.S. dollar in order to make currency would fluctuate within a narrow band. However, recent issue for the China is necessary of reconsidering value of Yuan currency at a high level against U.S. dollar. Even China has this controversial issue, Chandler believes Chinas peg seems likely to remain status quo since the other Asian economies that are Chinas trading partners and competitors also have their currency li nkages to the dollar (2004, p.52). Asian Development bank suggested China should consider a more flexible exchange rate, while its capital is under control, and it is best to loosen the reins on a currency when growth is strong and the external account is in surplus (2004, p.10). The business strategy of todays New Zealand firms In China, there are three main business strategies for foreign investment is existing, joint venture, cooperative venture, and wholly-owned enterprise (Beamaish Spiess, 1993). Among of those business strategies in China, the most admired strategy is joint venture. More than majority, approximately 70% of venture business succeeded in Chinese market and made profit over the few years. More over, their profitability was relatively high compared to any figures from elsewhere (Asian Development Bank, 2004). Even if joint venture is the oldest fashioned way of business strategy for foreign investment, it seems that there is more chance to make profit with this strategy than other strategies. Thus, it would be suitable and safe strategy for New Zealand firms which want to enter into Chinese market. The nine Ps required being aware as necessary factors by foreign investor in order to success in Chinese market. The nine Ps include planning, persistence on the part of the non-Chinese partner, Partner, Product which is really necessary in China and government could be allow in, patrons, patience, people, problem solving attitude, and public relations. All these factors play significant roles for success of foreign investment. On the other hand, Beamish and Spiess believe that patience is given a great deal of weight on foreign investment. Patience indicates that fully adapt to Chinese culture and history is required with patient (1993). Todays New Zealand firms are required to consider China as the world largest economy and their big potential for investment in 21st century. Global commodity prices Due to demand from the big, rapidly growing economies of China, energy value is risen up significantly. Rising energy values mean more entries in the record books, as global commodity prices hit fresh highs. Meanwhile, China extends export duty on fertilizers to the global. Edward stated briefly about relationship with world commodity price and Chinese economy as Its not often that investors have cause to celebrate when their money goes up in smoke. But owners of commodity funds may feel differently. After all, many have acquired positions in the belief that commodities will act as a hedge against a fall in the stock market. That proved the case early this year. When global equities rallied in the week ended March 21, commodities gave back some of their gains, thus demonstrating their negative beta credentials. Yet for all the sophisticated spin about alternative assets, commodity investors are really making a big bet on China (2008, p. 146). Therefore, an investment in a commodity i ndex will increase overall price of all commodities. Nevertheless, the studied theory on the balance of supply and demand strongly suggests that the price of commodities should come down for production improvements and substitution efficiencies which designed to minimize impact on global economy while it wobbles brutally. It is not easy to predict the trend or effects of commodity inflation in the trading market. However, one thing is clear, the world commodity price is gradually increased and that is because the increase international demand, which means it could continue to rising in the future. In conclusion, China could achieve the remarkable economic growth since the Chinese government had decided to shift on market-driven economy system. This is remarkable change impacted to global economy. Besides, being a member of the WTO has been motivation to China could be ranked in top five countries for international trade, foreign direct investment as well as economic growth. The eyes of world are focused on Chinas economic growth. Therefore China has become significant trade partner to the global. However, some countries may suffer from rising of Chinese economy as its competitor in international trade market and some countries will compete harder with china. Nevertheless, China will still be the focus of attention by foreign investors as hot market. In addition, it probably is the time to New Zealand firms to consider about entering into Chinese market by using joint venture strategy. Finally, the price of global commodity seems continue to increase. However, solving the commo dity price problem and resource shortcoming are the key issues of China to be successful in transition to the world market economy.